About us

Our history

It all started in  2011 with 3 ingredients: the need to ensure at low cost the reliability of information on paper documents, a strong public leadership to find a solution, and a small company with a big idea!

Before the Otentik VDS, there was the 2D-Doc VDS

New technologies and deceits reduce the barrier to entry for counterfeiting and fraud. This is especially true for paper documents, and it can become extremely problematic when these documents are used to issue passports.

Leaders at France’s Ministère de l’Intérieur (Interior Ministry) and l’Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés (ANTS) decided to tackle this problem and financed a solution that provided highly reliable information and that was low cost to operate : the 2D-Doc. In operation since 2012, it is used in France to deliver proof of addresses across multiple industries, notably telecom, energy and finance.

The Otentik VDS is an important evolution based on 2D-Doc, and the Otentik network supports both VDS technologies.

Our members

Membership directory

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TUNTRUSTAg. Nat. de Certification Electronique – TUNTRUSTTunisiaThe national electronic certification agency TUNTRUST is the root certification authority in Tunisia.
ANTSAgence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés (ANTS)FranceAs part of the dematerialization of its services, the French government has delegated the production of secure documents, including registration certificates, to the ANTS.
ACNAlliance pour la Confiance Numérique (ACN)FranceACN represents companies (world leaders, SMEs and ETIs) in the digital trust sector, particularly in cybersecurity and digital identity.
CFONBComité Français d’Organisation et de Normalisation BancaireFranceCFONB is a professional body whose mission is to study and resolve technical problems related to banking, in terms of organization and standards.
conseil national des experts comptableConseil National de l’Ordre des Experts ComptablesFranceL’Ordre des experts-comptables is the professional association of chartered accountants in France.
FNTCFédération des Tiers de Confiance du NumériqueFranceFnTC brings together software publishers, service providers, experts, regulated professionals, start-ups, international players, users and institutional structures.
ININ GroupeFrance
OneciONECICôte d’IvoireONECI is an executive agency whose mission is to implement national policy on civil status, identification, immigration and emigration, and to produce secure documents. ONECI is the trusted third party for identity in Ivory Coast.
resoclubResoClubFranceResoClub is an association that brings together public and private players in the fight against fraud.

Certification authorities and service providers

AttAdvanced Track & TraceFranceProvider of digital solutions for brand protection, data protection and document security.
AsernumAsernumCôte d’IvoireAsernum is a digital services agency providing document security and digital identity solutions using Otentik VDS in Africa.
ConferoConferoFranceVIewFec accounting software.
La posteLa Poste – DigiposteFranceDigiposte is a digital safe for centralizing, archiving and managing all important documents. This service is provided by La Poste, a French company operating mainly as a postal services operator, bank, insurance company and digital services provider.
CertignaCertigna – Goupe TESSIFranceEuropean trusted third party managed by Tessi.
CertinomisCertinomisFranceFirst Certification Authority on the French market.
CSTCST – Crime Science TechnologyFranceCST develops innovative solutions for identifying persons and securing of documents and products.
FiskaltrustFiskaltrust SASFranceCash register software.
id3id3 TechnologiesFranceid3 innovates in the fields of artificial intelligence and biometrics to offer its customers modular systems that guarantee identities while protecting data privacy.
Jenji SilaeJenji SilaeFranceExpense report software and expense report application.
MameriMameriBeninDigital solution integration services, IT security solutions, consulting and training.
MOBILEADMOBILEADFranceMobiLead is an expert in NFC, QR Code and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, contributes to the development of standards with AFNOR, is a member of W3C, and participates in GS1 standardization work.
NGTechnologiesNGTechnologiesTunisieElectronic signature and security for printed documents.
NotariusNotariusCanadaNotarius provides solutions for legally reliable documents. The company is approved to issue certificates for Otentik VDS and has a software suite for creating and validating VDS on the Otentik trust network.
OSTENDIOSTENDIFranceOstendi is a French software publisher offering the Osidoc solution, specialized in the drafting of BtoB legal documents.
Paragon IDParagon IDFranceParagon ID is a provider of intelligent physical and digital ticketing solutions.
PROGIDYSPROGIDYSFranceIntegrated management software (ERP) and cash register software with double NF anti-fraud law certification: NF525 & NF203.
SecurikettSecurikettAustriaSecurikett offers security consultation, product integrity and digitization, tailored design and improved customer communication.


adcetADCETFranceAssociation for the development of digital uses.
caisse des depotsCaisse des Dépôts et ConsignationsFranceCreated in 1816 to safeguard French savings, Caisse des Dépôts is a public financial institution.
ECFExperts Comptables et Commissaires aux Comptes de FranceFranceOne of the two major employers’ associations in the chartered accountancy profession.
FACACIFACACICôte d’IvoireFederation of active consumer associations in Ivory Coast.
ResocomResocomFranceCombating document and identity fraud, KYC ID expertise.
SGVSGV ChampagneFranceGeneral Syndicate of Champagne Winegrowers.


Gilles BarréFrance
Stéphane Gasch et AssociésFrance
Herschel SecurityHerschel SecurityFrance
Florian Hoefle UAE
Le Querrec, YvesFrance

Associate members

Ministère de l'IntérieurMinistère de l’Intérieur (2MLFDI)FranceMinisterial mission to fight document and identity fraud.
MICAFMICAFFranceInterministerial anti-fraud coordination mission.
Alain DucassFrance
GLIG.L.I. Ingénierie et ServicesFrance

Leadership Team

Deep background in public policies and fraud prevention

Gilles Barré, President


Yves Le Querrec, General Secretary

Zbigniew Sagan, CTO


Patrick Drolet, Co-chair – Technical working group

Membership application process

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