Otentik Codes Reader
- Application : Otentik Codes Reader
- Visible Digital Seal, VDS : DA device for encapsulating electronically signed data in a 2-dimensional barcode.
- User : Each person using the Application
The Application has been developed and made available free of charge. It can verify VDS compliant with the Otentik Network’s requirements. The use of the Application is not mandatory and is based on the User’s voluntary participation. The Application is intended to be used as is.
This page informs you of our policy regarding the collection, use and disclosure of its User’s personal data.
If the User chooses to use the Application, the User agrees to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy. Personal information collected and used by the Application is used only for the purpose of providing and improving services. The sharing of the User’s information is not done with anyone except those mentioned here.
The Application requires the User’s consent on the first use of the device’s camera to scan the VDS. No personal data (photo or video belonging to you) is stored or transmitted by the Application; only the content of the VDS is processed by the Application, and this content is not stored or transmitted.
Personal data and information collected
The Application does not collect, store or sell data from a VDS and does not use any cookies or trackers for its operation.
ANDROID USERS: The Application uses the services of a third party, the Google Play Store, for its download and installation.This service may collect certain data for its proper functioning. To access the privacy policy of this service, please consult https://policies.google.com/privacy.
iOS USERS: The Application will be available soon for iOS. This policy will then be updated to include Apple’s policies on the subject.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our privacy and data protection policy, please feel free to contact us at privacy@otentik.codes.